Strategies for Harnessing and Maintaining Success

Organisational Development is about making sure that everything is in place for your organisation to maximise efficiency and help achieve business objectives. It is also about making sure that everyone in your organisation possesses, or can be provided with, the appropriate skill sets to carry out their allotted tasks now and in the future as your business transitions to the next stage.

In a highly competitive environment, the ability to leverage small improvements in overall efficiency can make a massive difference to how an organisation is perceived internally as well as externally, and can directly affect market perceptions as well as your bottom line.

Organisation Development represents, and relies upon, a series of tools that are used to impact positively on a company’s corporate culture. In broad terms, the process involves effecting change for individual staff members, teams and organisations at a micro level, in order to facilitate overall growth.

Cartec Consulting provides expert assistance to help you to identify areas requiring improvement and enhance the effectiveness of your entire workforce, including the management team. We offer practical assistance across a range of issues that cover aspects such as creating a positive culture in the workplace, developing leaders, team building, career development strategies, coaching and mentoring, talent identification and management together with ensuring employee workloads are reasonable and manageable.

The core role we play is in assisting your organisation in managing change in a positive way.

Cartec Consulting is an accredited user of DISC ADVANCED®. DISC ADVANCED® is the most advance behavioural assessment system in the world. It is designed to provide users with practical and most importantly, useable information to achieve real results. It is about achieving real outcomes in the work environment.

Some of the most common uses for DISC ADVANCED® are:

Leadership Development
Communication Skills
Organisational Development
Team Building
Succession Planning
Sales Training
Customer Service Training
Conflict Resolution
Internal Promotion Selection/Development

DISC ADVANCED®is ideal to assess individuals, teams and pairs.


In most cases, leadership is the defining factor that determines whether the organisation will have world-beating qualities or merely survive in a competitive environment. Great leaders are born, but not all leaders are born great – they acquire those special skills, attitudes and techniques that can transform the ordinary into the ‘extra-ordinary’.

Cartec Consulting offers advanced leadership training and support for business owners, senior executives and managers who are determined to stand out from the crowd.


When clients are faced with the need to restructure or downsize departments, it inevitably involves the human element. Cartec Consulting looks at the challenge from a third party perspective and so can offer dispassionate, objective advice and suggestions supported by a structured consultancy that can assist in implementing this process.


Cartec’s Functional Reviews include helping organisations to understand how well departments relate and interact with each other, whether work flow is efficient or additional training might be needed and whether managers are in positions best suited to their talents and abilities.


It is a natural reaction for people to fear and feel inclined to resist change, unless the need for that change is explained clearly and delivered in a reassuring, positive manner.

Change management is a facilitation process that identifies where you are now, where you want to be over a period of time, and how to manage that process. It requires clear, concise communication at all levels, ongoing training and support, well developed recruitment and ‘onboarding’ induction processes as well as encouragement for individuals within your organisation to contribute and become part of the process.


Defining your company’s culture and the values for which it stands, is at the heart of this important function. This involves identifying what the requisite culture looks like, working out how to achieve it, putting processes in place to embed and reinforce it via feedback through surveys and other means.


Cartec Consulting can also facilitate the process of creating precise and accurate position descriptions for all members of staff so that there is consistency in approach and uniform terminology used within the organisation. This, in turn, facilitates improved performance management because you cannot measure someone’s performance if you don’t know precisely what their responsibilities are or the roles they are expected to play within the organisation. People respond better when they work within defined boundaries so that they understand and appreciate what the company’s expectations are of them as well as enabling recognition and skill/experience improvement over time.


While general coaching may be regarded as an overcrowded industry, Cartec offers specialist support and mentoring for high performing and motivated individuals in the HR, OH&S or senior management arenas.

A skilled coach can show a team of average players how to win. An exceptional coach makes it his business to instil a winning philosophy and feeling of self-belief throughout the whole team – and make success a mantra.

Cliff Carter’s mentoring role can also involve transforming an individual, with great potential but serious flaws, into a well rounded, high performing individual who works hard on the strengths and knows how to manage and overcome his or her weaknesses.


Cartec’s Employee Surveys are a form of ‘HR barometer’ that allow clients to ‘take the temperature’ of their organisation and find out what people really think.

In some instances, clients request 360 degree surveys as part of a performance appraisal where the opinions of the staff manager’s department head, manager, subordinates and peers are all sought to deliver a broad overview that covers all aspects of an individual’s performance.

The surveys are also designed to identify how well staff in different departments interact with each other and whether refinements or communications improvements are required.

  • A greater acceptance of change and willingness to embrace it
  • Enhanced skills in handling conflict
  • Improved teamwork – individuals cooperating for the greater good of the organisation
  • A greater level of customer satisfaction resulting in referrals or return businesses
  • Individuals more willing to innovate, trust their abilities and share ideas with the company
  • More understanding about managing life-work balance and how to achieve/maintain it.
  • Speak to our HR Consulting team for further information.